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Central New York Manufacturing

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Manufacturing in CNY

Top Employers

2 SQ Machine Tool

Advanced D.C. Motors, Inc

Albany International Monofilament

Albany Molecular

Anheuser-Busch, Inc

Black Clawson

C&D; Assembly, Inc

Cooper Industries Crouse-Hinds

E C R International Inc

ESCO Turbine Technologies

Faster Form Corporation

Fibermark DSI

Fiskars, Inc

G.A. Braun, Inc.


Gutchess Lumber

Haun Welding Supply Inc.

Kimball Associates Corp


Madison Filter Inc

Magna Powertrain Magna International

McQuay International

Northland Motor Technologies

O Line Manufacturing, LLC

Oneida Molded Plastics, LLC


Stature Electric Inc.


Syracuse Gauge

Young & Franklin Inc.

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Central Upstate New York has a long history of manufacturing excellence and continues to have clusters of precision metalworking and packaging companies with capabilities that could be applied to new markets and products. Central Upstate New York build's on its manufacturing heritage by encouraging firms to undertake development and design. In particular, both digital and electronic devices and precision manufacturing represent areas of possible focus - the latter based on its legacy of GE electronics (now Lockheed Martin) and a number of spin-offs in defense electronics, sonar, and radar that represent a strong, private-sector driven applications base in new products for the military, aerospace, and other applications. Precision manufacturing, while a traditional industry, is an important part of the supplier chain for these military and aerospace applications and products.

The Central Upstate New York regional economy is substantially more reliant on manufacturing, in terms of employment, than the State of New York as a whole. The packaging industry has a high growth rate, with employment growing 25.1 percent over the 1998-2003 period - exceeding both state and national growth rates. Precision metalworking companies accounted for 9,854 employees in 2003, a 19.2 percent growth from 1998.


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