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SUNY Canton

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1 Mechanical Engineering Technology SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

Canton, NY 13617. Canino School of Engineering Technology seeks a pool of part-time adjunct instructors in Mechanical Engineering Technology.... Canton, NY

2 Secretary 1 - EOP SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

Home > Human Resources > Jobs SUPPORT STAFF POSITIONS TITLE: Secretary 1; SG-11 ASSIGNMENT: EOP Office; M-F; 37½ hrs./week JURISDICTIONAL CLASS: Canton, NY

3 Lead Programmer/Analyst SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

This position is physically located on the SUNY Canton campus. And provide software enhancements, technical support, best practices, and training for the... Canton, NY

4 Information Technology SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

The Canino School of Engineering Technology at SUNY Canton (Canton, NY) invites applications for an Assistant Professor (tenure track) faculty position in... Canton, NY

5 Staff Assistant - Financial Aid & Student Accounts SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

SUNY Canton is seeking applicants for a professional staff position in the Financial Aid & Student Accounts area.... Canton, NY

6 Social Science SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

The School of Business and Liberal Arts at SUNY Canton invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position as Assistant Professor to begin in August 2017.... Canton, NY

7 Automotive Technologies SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

The Canino School of Engineering Technology at SUNY Canton invites applications for an instructor (tenure track) faculty position in Automotive Technology for... Canton, NY

8 Mechatronics SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

The Canino School of Engineering Technology seeks a faculty member to staff a new Mechatronics program. Specialty areas of interest include, but not limited to Canton, NY

9 Accounting SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

The successful candidate will be a team player interested in growing the accounting program at SUNY Canton.... Canton, NY

10 Office Assistant 1 - Registrar's Office SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

Home > Human Resources > Jobs SUPPORT STAFF POSITIONS TITLE: Office Assistant I (Keyboard); SG-6 ASSIGNMENT: Registrar's Office; M-F; 37½ hrs./week Canton, NY

11 Office Assistant 1 - Admissions SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

Home > Human Resources > Jobs SUPPORT STAFF POSITIONS TITLE: Office Assistant 1 (Keyboard); SG-6 ASSIGNMENT: Admissions; M-F; 37½ hrs./week Canton, NY

12 Welding SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

Canton, NY 13617. Canino School of Engineering Technology seeks a pool of part-time adjunct instructors in welding.... Canton, NY

13 Mental Health Counselor SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

The SUNY Canton Counseling Center seeks a Counselor for a full time, 11-month position with significant clinical and outreach experience working with a diverse... Canton, NY

14 Nursing SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

The State University of New York (SUNY) College at Canton invites qualified applicants for a full-time, tenure-track position in the Nursing Department, to... Canton, NY

15 Dental Hygiene SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

Must be a member of an appropriate professional association, and be capable of traveling to the main campus in Canton, NY.... Canton, NY

16 Clinical Nursing SUNY Canton (SUNY Canton)

Canton, NY 13617. SUNY Canton invites applications for part-time Clinical Nursing Instructors in the Associate Degree Nursing (RN) program.... Canton, NY

17 Dental Hygiene Associate Professor and Program Director SUNY Canton (HealthFacultyJobs.com)

Must be a member of an appropriate professional association, and be capable of traveling to the main campus in Canton, NY.... Canton, NY

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