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Central New York Packaging

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Packaging in CNY

Top Employers

Ball Corporation

Benbow Chemical Packaging Inc.

BO-MER Plastics

Chesapeake Packaging (Temple-Inland)

Currier Plastics

Empire State Container

Huhtamaki Consumer Packaging

Human Technologies Corporation

Johnston Paper

Marietta Corporation

Novelis Corporation

O-I Owens-Illinois Auburn Plant

Schneider Packaging Equipment Co., Inc.

Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation

Solvay Paper Board

Southern Container Corporation

Specialized Packaging Radisson, Inc

Tessy Plastics

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Central Upstate New York has a long history of manufacturing excellence and continues to have clusters of precision metalworking and packaging companies with capabilities that could be applied to new markets and products. The packaging cluster includes a wide diversity of firms engaged in more traditional transport packaging (e.g., pallet manufacturing), product containers (e.g., metal cans, glass jars, plastic tubs), and unique or distinct consumer packaging (e.g., juice pouches, ice cream cartons, custom printing and labeling). While some parts of this cluster are less "high tech" than other parts, as a whole the cluster is moving toward increasing technological sophistication.

This cluster is the fastest growing cluster in the Central Upstate New York region with employment growing 25.1 percent over the 1998 - 2003 time period (1,200 additional employees)- exceeding both state and national growth rates.

Structure of Central Upstate New York Packaging Cluster Employment:

Paperboard Containers/Boxes - 53%
Packaging Services - 15%
Glass Jars/Containers - 12%
Plastic Containers - 9%
Wood Containers - 9%
Other Packaging/Equipment - 2%


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