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Central New York Precision Metalworking

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Precision Metalworking in CNY

Top Employers

Advanced Design Consulting, USA

Akraturn Manufacturing Inc

Alcan Aluminum Corporation


Auburn Vacuum Forming Co.

Babbitt Bearings

Camtech Precision Manufacturing

Crysteel Manfacturing, Inc

Custom Tool & Model Corp.

Eagle MetalCraft

General Super Plating Company, Inc.

Hartman Enterprises, Inc.

Kilian Manufacturing Corporation

Lagoe Oswego Corp.

Manth-Brownell Inc.

Micro-Tech Machine Inc

Precision Systems Mfg Inc

Rome Strip Steel, Inc.

Sirius Technology, Inc.

TECT Corporation

Thompkins Brothers Company

Utica Alloys, Inc.

Williams Tool, Inc.

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Central Upstate New York has a long history of manufacturing excellence and continues to have clusters of precision metalworking and packaging companies with capabilities that could be applied to new markets and products. The precision metalworking cluster includes firms engaged in higher end or more sophisticated metalworking processes either in a supplier capacity (typically to the automotive or aerospace industries) or as a manufacturer of complicated or high-tolerance metal parts and products.

The Central Upstate New York economy is substantially more reliant on manufacturing, in terms of employment, than the State of New York as a whole and somewhat more reliant than the United States. The precision metalworking cluster is the second largest cluster in the Upstate region (coming in second to the Digital and Electronic Devices cluster) and added close to 1,600 workers to the region between 1998 and 2003.

Structure of Central Upstate New York Precision Metalworking Cluster Employment:

Metal Motor Vehicle Parts - 52%
Aerospace Parts - 16%
Precision Machining - 14%
Misc. Bearings & Gears - 12%
Other Precision Metalworking - 6%


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